What happens on Halloween, stays on Halloween


The event I want to share happened on the last day of October 1974. I was a 17 years old student sharing a room in the dorms with another two girls. There was no internet and knowledge was acquired by reading and listening. So, I heard from someone that if I sat between two mirrors in a dark room lit by a candle, I would see my future husband walking through the ‘infinity hallway’. We set up the mirrors, and there I was staring in the dark endless hallway created by two mirrors, curious as to what was going to happen next. After quite a long time (my roommates started getting impatient) I saw a dark tall shadow approaching. I glued my eyes to the part of the shadow that was supposed to be a face, but couldn’t recognize any features. There were just a few frames left between us when all of a sudden the shadow disappeared. I was about to stand up when an ugly face with yellowish/greenish rough skin and a bulging eye peered at me from behind my shoulder – something like in the picture below – and grinned.


The air behind me instantly filled with fog and floating eyes… I screamed and pushed the mirror. My roommates rushed in and switched on the lights… That was it, no one else was interested in the future.

I have never looked in the ‘infinity hallway’ again, even in the day light.

Here is an abstract of an article written by Italian researcher Giovanni Battista Caputo in 2010. He admits that some things cannot be explained. At least, not yet:

 Frequent apparitions of strange faces of known or unknown people support the idea that the illusion involves a high-level mechanism that is specific to global face processing. On the other hand, the frequent apparition of fantastical and monstrous beings, and of animal faces cannot, in our opinion, be explained by any actual theory of face processing. Neither constructive approaches nor top/down accounts seem to provide adequate explanations.

The participants reported that apparition of new faces in the mirror caused sensations of otherness when the new face appeared to be that of another, unknown person or strange other looking at him/her from within or beyond the mirror. All fifty participants experienced some form of this dissociative identity effect, at least for some apparition of strange faces and often reported strong emotional responses in these instances. For example, some observers felt that the other’ watched them with an enigmatic expression situation that they found astonishing. Some participants saw a malignant expression on the other’s face and became anxious. Other participants felt that the other was smiling or cheerful, and experienced positive emotions in response. The apparition of deceased parents or of archetypal portraits produced feelings of silent query. Apparition of monstrous beings produced fear or disturbance. Dynamic deformations of new faces (like pulsations or shrinking, smiling or grinding) produced an overall sense of inquietude for things out of control.

crow 09

Some things belong to the Halloween night, and it is OK with me 😉

www.inesemjphotography Have a fun and safe night!

Update from Pat The Foxman


What is the best way to start all over again after a long absence? My bet is on foxes.

I have been to Thomastown a couple of times after the lockdown. Pat is busy in summer helping neighbors, looking after his chickens and ducks and his vegetable garden. We just share our pictures and news, talk about little Gorta and his latest adventures. Then a neighbor calls in and it is time to leave.

Henry, the 9 years old male fox, died this spring. He could live another couple of years, but the injuries he sustained as a cub took their toll. Henry had 176 stitches on his body and has been in pain all his life. Now all three foxes are united somewhere in the Universe where the rainbow bridges span over the land of milk and honey.


Little Gorta is not that little any more. This playful one year old fox loves cuddles and snacks and lives a relaxed life of a spoiled daddy’s boy and a video star. He is house trained and has never spent a night in the shed. Here is a link to my first post about Gorta.

As you see, his color has changed. Baby foxes have black fur when they are born. It turns grey after a month and sand-colored for another 2-3 months. Now Gorta is as red as any other grown up red fox.




One day we take Gorta to the field. He loves snail hunting.


For his own safety, Gorta isn’t allowed to run free outdoors, but as he doesn’t know any better, the chain doesn’t seem to be bothering him. 


He loves a belly rub and a game “I will catch your tail” 😉 He understands the words, and is all smiles and excitement.




Life is going on. 


Thank you for being so kind and understanding, my friends.

www.inesemjphotography Have a wonderful week! ❤

Midsummer 2021


My favorite day, Midsummer, is almost over, but there is still time to weave a wreath, put some herbs around the house to repel evil spirits, look for a fern flower, light a virtual bonfire and stay awake until the sunrise. 


I am not ready to continue with the blog yet, but I couldn’t miss this day. Drink in the magic of it, listen to promptings in your heart. Solstice means “The Sun standing still”. Steady your spirit. Be still and know – the magic of the Midsummer is yours:)

www.inesemjphotography With love.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2021!

Waterford City is having a Virtual St. Patrick’s Day this year. We need it! St. Patrick’s Parade is a highlight of the year, a beloved tradition we look forward to, celebration of community spirit, pride for our achievements, family fun, smiles and laughter. This year, for the sake of our mental health, we are going to parade in our gardens and around our homes. There is a Facebook page where we can share our projects.

I don’t remember what exactly was St. Patrick from the opening picture saying back in 2015. This year he would probably say “Stay sane!”

Here are a few pictures from yesteryears.

Then 2020 arrived…

Now we are on our own, making our way through the pandemic the best we can. Some people have got their “bubble”.

Some talk to themselves in the mirror, just to have a conversation with another human being.

Some put a mask on, stay away from others and wait. And wait.

So, let’s do something this St. Patrick’s Day. Let’s hit a Pound Shop/ Dollar Store, grab a couple of those gorgeous accessories and walk our own parade. 

Waterford City is sending you a Green Light:)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!